최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

만성정신분열증의 정량화 뇌파검사 소견

Quantitative Electroencephalographic Study on Chronic Schizophrenics

  • 14

Electroencephalographic recordings in 30 medicated patients fulfilling the DSM-III-R criteria for chronic schizophrenia and 21 normal healthy controls was studied, using computerized electroencephalography. The delta activity and theta activity were compared between the patients and the normal healthy controls, then the differences in delta activity and theta activity of the patients were analyzed according to duration of illness, duration of medication, dosage of medication, and the presence of positive and negative symptoms. In the comparison study of chronic schizophrenic patients and the normal healthy controls, the theta activity showed a significant difference in all regions, and a significant difference in abnormal electroencephalographic activity appearance rate. In the analysis of the delta and theta activities of the chronic schizophrenic patients, duration of illness had no significant influence, the delta activity in F7,丁4,C3, and C4 regions showed a tendency to decrease as duration of medication increased, the theta activity in P3, P4, C4, T5, T6, 0 1 ,02 regions showed a tendency to increase with the increment of dosage of neuroleptics. The delta activity in Fp2, T3, C3, P3, O l regions showed a significant difference between those patients with and without negative symptoms. In summary, the theta activity of the chronic schizophrenic patients showed a significant difference in comparison with that of the normal controls. In chronic schizophrenic patients, no difference in electroencephalograph was apparent regarding the duration of illness, but significant differences were shown when analyzed regarding the duration and dosage of medication. According to the results of this study, dysfunction of left cerebral hemisphere could be presumed to be present in patients with negative symptoms

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