The author assessed the effect of parental loss during childhood(4 〜 15years) and the life events during the 1 and 6 months before the onset of panic attack in 103 panic patients. The results were as follows : 1) The rate of traumatic early parental loss in 103 panic patients was higher than that in control subjects. Experience of parental death(20.4%) and separation from parents(13.6%) occurred frequently in panic patients(p < 0.005). 2) Experience of paternal death was significantly more common than maternal death in the female panic patients(p〈 0.025). 3) The female panic patients had significantly more severe mental distress during the period of 1 month(p < 0.05) and 6 months ( p 〈 0.025) before the first panic attack. 4) The panic patients reported difficulty with spouse and in the relationship with person other than spouse frequently
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연구방법 및 연구대상
결 과
토 론
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