최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

농존지역 거주노인의 연령,성별,교육수준이 한국판 MMSE 점수에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

Effect of Age, Sex and Education on the Scores of MMSE-K among the Rural Elderly Residents

  • 38

In order to observe the sociodemographic effects on Mini-Mental State Examination-Korean version(MMSE-K), MMSE-K was administered to the residents aged 65 and older in Yonchon county, Kyungki-Do. Following results were found : 1) Forty percent of the variance in MMSE-K scores was accounted by educatonal level, age and sex. 2) Educational levels were closely correlated with MMSE-K scores(r=0.49). The group of elementary school graduates and over scored higher scores of 5-6 points and 1- 3 points higher in comparison to the noneducated group and the elementary school failure group, respectively. 3) Men received higher MMSE-K scores than women, especially in the noneducated group and the elementary school failure group. In conclusion, readjustments of MMSE-K scores for demographic variables, especially for educational level, are necessary in order to use the MMSE-K as a screening measure for dementia.

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