비엔나 검사총집의 임상적용을 위한 한국표준화 연구( II ) : 서울 성인군에 대한 Standard Progressive Matrices 검사
Korean Standardization Study of the Vienna Test System for Clinical Use(II) : Standard Progressive Matrices Test of Adults in Seoul
This study was aimed to standardize the standard progressive matrices(SPM) test in the PC / S Vienna test system. The SPM test was administered to 295 adults in Seoul, comprised of 96 university students, 111 adults of twenties and 88 adults of thirties. The test-retest reliability of the SPM with an interval of 2 weeks was found to be .72. The internal consistency reliability of SPM as computed by Cronbach alpha was .79. product moment correlation between the full KWIS score and SPM was .30. The reliability and validity coefficients of the test were statistically significant. No significant sex differences were observed in this study. And no significant cross-cultural differences were noted when comparing the computerized SPM results studied by Luxemburg and the results of this study. But significant age differences were found between twenties and thirties. The results suggested that increasing in age might be a key factor in lowering of intellectual functions to adults. According to the item analysis based on the item response theory, the results showed that the SPM consists of many easy items, but the average ‘item difficulty’,average ‘item discrimination and average ‘guessing’ were in the moderate level. Conclusionally, the SPM test may provide a culture-free, verbal-free promising tool for the measurement of nonverbal intelligence in a Korean context. Future study will be extending to range of sampling to include all aged normal group, mental retardation, other patient groups and industrial setting. In the fiiture, SPM will be used to neuropsychological test in clinical settings.
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