최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

알코올중독과 감각추구 성향

Alcohol Dependency and Sensation Seeking Tendency

  • 72

Objects : To investigate the sensation seeking tendency of alcohol dependency, the authors have examined 45 alcoholics, and 45 nonalcoholic persons as a normal control,group with demographic questions, sensation seeking and questionnaire on alcohol related problems. Method : In sampling, they confined the subjects to same age, sex and education in the alcoholics and normal control group. That was to remove the possibility that the above three variations could affect the results. Result : 1) The alcoholics showed a higher frequency of drinking, average and maximum volume of alcohol than normal control group. And there was a significant difference of legal punishment as well as the high incidence of familly members with alcoholic problem. 2) In sensation seeking tendency, the alcoholics showed significant scores for thrill and adventures. BS, ES & Total scales were in significant tendency in the alcoholics compared with normal drinking groups. There was no siginficant correlation with DIS scale among groups. 3) Both of the two groups showed significant correlation with DIS scale in average and maximum volume of drinking. The tendency of boredom and weariness was positively correlated with average volume of drinking and so was the tendency of experience seeking with average volume and frequency of drinking. Conclusion : It is suggested that is desirable for the deal with the tendency of boredom and weariness and to develop tendency to seek new sensational experiences through unusual and unconventional life style and mental attitudes using other methods than alcohol, and all of the three groups seem to drink in order to avoid the social restraints.

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