This study was designed to determine the differences of the locus of control and psychopathology between the delinquent and the non delinquent adolescents. The subjects consisted of 171 delinquents and 797 non delinquent adolescents. The results were as follows ; 1) Older adolescents were more externally controlled than younger ones(p < .05). 2) Delinquent adolescents were more externally controlled than nondelinquent group(p〈. 01). 3) In males, subscales of somatic complaint and delinquent in delinquents were higher than those in non delinquent group(p < .001). Subscales of depressive, unpopular, self destructiveidentity problem, aggressive, internalizing, externalizing in male nondelinquent group were higher than those in delinquents(p < .05). In female, subscales of unpopular, delinquent, aggresive, externalizing in delinquents were significantly higher than those in nondelinquent group. 4) In males, internal locus of control was associated with the decrease in subscale of aggresive and the increase in subscale of unpopular and also with the decrease in nondelinquent group and the increase in delinquents in subscales of depressive and somatic complaint. In females, internal locus of control was associated with the decrease in subscales of deliquent, externalizing, internalizing, somatic complaint and unpopular.
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연구대상 및 방법
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