Activities of daily living(ADL) and instrumental activities of daily living are widely used for the assessm ent of functional status of the aged. The ADL is defined as the skills of selfm aintenance which is needed to care for one’s body within a limited space, such as at home or in nursing homes. It consists of eating, dressing, grooming, toileting, bathing, transferring and mobility. Standardized assessment of the ADL perm its exact delineation of the current status of the physical function and could give clues about short- and long-term outcomes. Disruption of these abilities represents major risks to independent living at home or in nursing homes for elderly people. Although ADL measurements were developed by m any researchers, Katz ADL index and Barthel ADL are most widely used for clinical practice and research. The Barthel ADL has been standardized regarding reliability and validity. For different purposes, new ADL measurements are developed or some measurem ents currently available are modified
서 론
ADL의 평가 내용과 종류
ADL 신뢰도와 타당도
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