“Home과 Ostberg 아침형一저녁형 수면 설문지”의 한국판 표준화 및 수면유형에 관한 연구
A Study on the Standardization of the Korean Version of J A Home and O. Ostbergs5 Momingness-Eveningness Questionnaire and on the Sleep Pattern
For the purpose of standardizing “the Morningness-E veningness Questionnaire” designed by Home and Stberg and of investigating the distribution of the sleep pattern and the differences between sleep pattern and sleep parameters according to age and sex in Korean, the authors translated the Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire into korean and applied it to 557 Korean students. The results were as follows : 1) The test-retest reliability coefficient(r) of this questionnaire was r= 0.81 and the Cron bach ’s alpha was 0.65,so this tool can be applied reliably for differentiating the M -E sleep pattern of Korean. 2) As for sleep pattern, ① In total subjects, the most frequent pattern was intermediate type and evening type was more frequent than morning type. ② The most frequent pattern was intermediate type in all grades, evening type was more frequent in the group of middle school and morning type was more frequent in the group of high school and college. Higher the grades, the more frequent pattern was morning type and these differences were significant ③ The most frequent pattern was intermediate type in both sex and evening type was more frequent than morning type. This difference was significant 3) As for sleep parameters, ① In total subjects, mean bed time was 23.6 o ’clock, mean waking time was 06.6 o’clock and mean total sleep time was 7.0 hours. The group that had the earliest bed time was middle school students and the group that had the latest bed time was college students and the difference was significant The group that had the earliest waking time was high school students and the group of the latest waking time was college students and the difference between the two groups was significant The group that had the longest total sleep time was middle school students and the group that had the shortest total sleep time was high school students and the difference between the two groups was significant ③ Males went to bed later got up later and had shorter total sleep time than fem ales and the difference in going to bed time and total sleep time was significant according to sex.
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