최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

남자 정신분열병 환자의 양성 및 음성 증상과 신경학적 검사소견

Positive and Negative Symptoms and Neurological Findings in Male Schizophrenic Patients

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Objects : The purpose of this study is to evaluate the differential neurological abnorm alities in the positive and negative subtypes of schizophrenia. Method : A neurological exam ination battery was adm inistered to 41 male D S M -III-R schizophren ic patients hospitalized with acute symptoms. Results : In standard neurological exam ination, 27 of 41(65.9% ) patients exhibited one or more abnormalities and patients with negative subtype had much severe degree of neurological abnorm alities than those with positive subtype. A lso integrative m otor and sensory functions such as sequencing, opposing actions, alternating m ovem ent, go-no-go, mirror movement, adventitious overflow, audiovisual integration and finger tapping, were more impaired in negative subtype. Positive symptom scores had negative correlations with prefrontal signs an d negative sym ptom scores had positive correlations with prefrontal signs an d negative correlations with parietal signs. Conlusions : These results partially supports the hypothesis that negative symptoms of schizop hrenia might be related to brain dysfunctions. However, a further work is in need to evaluate the clinical significances of these differential neurological findings in positive and negative subtypes of schizophrenia.

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