최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

중증 지연성 운동장애의 유병율과 위험요인

Prevalence Rate and Risk Factors of Severe Tardive Dyskinesia

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Objects : Reported prevalence of tardive d yskinesia(T D ) has increased significantly in the last 4 decades. Few d ata are available on the epidem iology of severe form of T D . This study w as inten d ed to com pare the prevalence and risk factors of severe form of T D to those of m ild to m oderate forms. Method : Using AIMS (Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale), a total of 304 schizophrenic patients (154 male, 150 fem ale) consecutively adm itted to Taegu Mental H ospital were evaluated for the presence and severity of TD . A dditional dem ographic and clinical inform ation was obtain ed from the use of a interview form developed for the study and from the patients’ hospital records. Results : 1) The prevalence rate of severe tardive dyskinesia was 3.90% in 154 male schizophrenics, 4 .00% in female and mean 3.95 %. 2) There was no significant relationship between the prevalence rate of severe tardive dyskinesia and sex. 3) Age at the time of study was significantly higher for women with severe tardive dyskinesia than for women with mild tardive dyskinesia and was significantly higher for women with m oderate tardive dyskinesia than for women with mild tardive dyskinesia. 4) Total duration of hospitalization was wignificantly higher for all patients with severe tardive dyskinesia than for all patients with mild tardive dyskinesia. 5) Duration of neuroleptic use w as significantly higher for all patients with severe tardive dyskinesia than for all patients with moderate tardive dyskinesia. Conclusion : These findings suggest that the prevalence of severe TD in the schizophrenics was positively associated with age, total duration of hospitalization and duration of neuroleptic use.

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