FBF is a self-report inventory developed by German psychiatrist, Sullwold, to help diagnose mental functions of psychiatric patients. Kyung Hee-F rankfurter Beschwerde Fragebogen (K - FBF ) is a standardized K orean version of this inventory. 1) Ten scales of K -FBF mostly show edapproximate middle range in difficulty indices, which is considered to be optimal for a good reliability of a test The scale reliabilities as m easured by item -total correlation and Cronbach Alpha proved to be very high in most of the scales. 2) Three factors of K -FBF were identified in the principal component analysis. 83.8% of total variance was explained by these three factors. The first factorCSensory-Motor Disorder) includes the scales of Psychom otor Disorder(PSMO ), Perceptual Disorder(PERC), Deterioration of Discrimination (DSCR ) and Blocking Symptom (BLOC ). The second factor(Language- Cognitive Disorder) includes the Language Disorder(LANG ) and Cognitive Floating (COFL ). The third factor(Behavioral-Readjustment Syndrome) is related to the scales of Coping Response (COPE ), Automatic Behavior DisorderC AUTO ), Selective Attention (ATTN ) and Specific Anxiety (ANXI). 3) The Scales of K -FBF show ed close relation with the variables of age, education and sex, i.e., in the normal group, the aged group showed higher scores on the K -FBF scales than the younger group ; and the average scores of female group were higher in most KFBF scales than that of the male group. For the clinical group, the younger group showed higher scores in most of the K -FBF scales than the aged group ; the highly educated group seemed to have fewer symptoms than less educated group. Female group received higher scores than male group. 4) The scales of K -FBF showed significant group differences in age, sex and education. In the normal group, the aged showed higher scores in most of K -FBF scales than younger subjects, whereas in the clinical group, the opposite was true, that is, the younger group(acute patients) showed h igher scores than the aged group (chronic patients). As for the sex variables, in both groups(normal and clinical), female show ed higher scores in most of K -FB F scales than male group. As for the education variables, only the highly educated in the clinical group showed less symptoms as measured by K -FBF scales than less educated group
서 론
K-FBF의 10개 소척도
K-FBF의 실시와 채점
K-FBF의 결과 해석
K-FBF의 표준화 과정
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