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KCI등재 학술저널

치매 환자에서의 한국어판 노인용 간호사 관찰척도의 타당도와 신뢰도 검증을 위한 예비적 연구

A Preliminary Study for Examining Validity and Reliability of NOSGER (Nurses’ Observation Scale for Geriatric Patients) — Korean Version in Patients with Dementia

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Objects:Comprehensive assessment of the functioning in daily living is essential in evaluating patients with dementia in the senile stage. As a preliminaiy step to develop a simple and objective rating scale for assessing the functioning of elderly people, we exam ined the reliability and validity of the Nurses’ Observation Scale for Geriatric Patients-Korean Version (NOSGER -K ). Methods : Scores of the NOSGER -K were com pared in the patients with dem entia based on DSM -IV criteria and the normal elderly controls, twenty five in each group. Both groups were assessed with the Mini-M ental State E xam ination-K orean Version, too. Results : The interrater reliability and test-retest reliability of the NOSGER-K were significantly high. Even though “Mood ” and “Disturbing behavior” dimensions seemed to be largely indepen dent of the others, most dimensions of the NOSGER -Kwere highly intercorrelated. The concurrent validity and the discrim ination validity of NOSGER -K were within satisfactory range. Conclusion : This study suggests NOSGER -K can be a reliable and valid tool to evaluate the functioning of daily living in geriatric patients. Further validation study to reformulate some items of this scale with basis of this study on an expanded group will be in progress.

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