최근 검색어 전체 삭제
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KCI등재 학술저널

우울증 환자의 Lymphocytes에서 Cyclic AMP 생성반응에 대한 Isoproterenol (p-Adrenergic 작용제) 자극의 효과

Effects of IsoproterenolCp-Adrenergic Agonist) Stimulation on Levels of Cyclic AMP in Lymphocytes of Depressives

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Recently it has been shown in numerous experimental studies that cyclic AMP response to receptor activation is widely used as one index of receptor sensitivity. To investigate effects of isoproterenol stimulation(10-10~ 10-5mol/l) on levels of cyclic A M P, the authors studied the change of dose-response curves of isoproterenol-stim ulated cyclic A M P production in intact-peripheral blood lymphocytes by radioim munoassay method obtain ed from 18 hospitalized patients with depressive disorder and their comparisons with those obtained from 14 normal control subjects. The results were as follows: 1) Depressed patients had low er basal cyclic AMP level than control subjects(trend level). 2) Depressed patients had significantly lower stimulated cyclic AMP level at 10-7,10-6 , 10-5mol/1 concentration of isoproterenol than control subjects(p < 0 .0 1 ). 3) Depressed patients had significantly lower net cyclic AMP ( stimulated minus basal cyclic AMP level) level at 10-10,10-7,10- 6 , 10~5mol/l concentration of isoproterenol than control subjects(p < 0 .0 5,p < 0 .0 1 ). These result support the previous reports and theory that the result of the decreased cyclic AMP production suggest the decreased p-adrenergic receptor function of lym phocytes in depressives.

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