Objects : The present study addressed the effects of stress upon an opiate-mediated immuno suppression. Method : Male Sprag-Dawley rats were used as subjects. Home cage control group had no stress condition and Skinner box control group was immobilized without electric shock. Conflict group received psychological conflict stress with electric shock depending on the coping b e h a viour. Pretreatm ent groups had received naloxone intraperitoneally and 15minutes later, received psychological conflict stress. And the natural killer cell cytotoxicity(N K C C ) against YAC-1 murin elymphoma cells, proliferation of rat splenic lym phocytes stimulated with mitogen such as concanavalin-A a n d plasm a concentration of corticosterone were measured. Results : The results show that exposure to stress produces significant decline in N K C C an d lym phocyte proliferation, which are reversed by opioid antagonist( naloxone) and increase in plasm a concentration of corticosterone in all experim ental groups. Conclusion : Opioid system may play a major role in the modulation of the stress-induced immunosuppression
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