최근 검색어 전체 삭제
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KCI등재 학술저널

양극성 우울증 및 정신분열병환자의 혈청 Tryptophan 능도에 관한 연구

The Serum Tryptophan Concentration in Depressive Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia

In order to define the relationship between the euthymic state or depressive state in bipolar disorder and the serum tryptophan concentration, the authors m easured serum tryptophan concentrations in 33 patients with bipolar disorder(20 depressive and 13 euthymic), 19 patients with schizophreniform disorder and 23 patients with schizophrenia, defined by DSM-IH-R criteria for each disorder. The schizophrenic patients were further subdivided into the not-treated group (who had not received any psychiatric drugs for 4 weeks before) and the treated group and the differences depending on the treatments and/or the duration of illness were assessed. The m ean serum tryptophan concentrations in both groups of patients and the control group (n = 28 ) were measured according to the Denckla & Dewey’s method. The results were as follows : 1) In the patients with depressive bipolar disorder, the m ean serum tryptophan concentration was significantly lower(11.3± 2.4jig/ml) than in the control group(13.1± 2.4(ig/inl) and in the euthymic group(13.6± 1.6ug/ml). 2) The not-treated patients with schizophreniform disorder and schizophrenia showed significantly lower serum tryptophan concentration than the treated patients and the not-treated patients with schizophrenia revealed significantly lower serum tryptophan level(10.5± Z5jig/ml) com pared to the control group and the treated schizophrenia group(13.9±1.6ug/ml). The findings suggest the possible relationship between the depressive symptoms in bipolar disorder and the low serum tryptophan concentration. The authors also observed the low serum tryptophan concentration in the schizophrenic patients who had not been treated

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