This study was carried out to see if there were any peculiar pheno{ypes o f complement C4A and C4B distribution in patients with chronic schizophrenia. Allotypes were analyzed by electrophoretic separation on agarose gel and then identified by immunofixation technique. The diagnosis of schizophrenia was made according to DSM-HI-R. The schizophrenic patients consisted of 13 paranoid, 14 undifferentiated and 4 disorganized types. The C4 allotype frequencies of these subjects were com pared with the 160 healthy controls. The results were as follows : 1) C4A6 antigen frequency was significantly increased in all schizophrenics com pared to the control group. 2) C4A4 antigen frequency was significantly increased in paranoid type schizophrenic patients com pared to the control group. 3) C4A6 antigen frequency was significantly increased in undifferentiated type schizophrenic patients com pared to the control group. 4) C4A6 antigen frequency was significantly increased in schizophrenic patients with family histoiy com pared to the control group. This leads C4A6 and C4A4 to be indicative of the possibility of a biological or a genetic marker. A further study, however, is required on a large basis of subjects.
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