Fluoxetine 약물치료를 받은 강박장애환자에서 세로토닌 효현제인 MK-212투여에 따른 체온 및 Prolactin 반응의 강화
Fluoxetine Potentiates Body Temperature and Prolactin Responses to MK-212, A Serotonin Agonist, in Patients with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Objects : This study was performed to evaluate the effect of MK-212(6-chloro-2-[ 1-piperazinyl]- pyrazine), a serotonin agonist, on body temperature and plasm a prolactin levels in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder(OCD ) receiving fluoxetine, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. Methods : Body temperature and prolactin responses to the MK-212 and placebo were exam ined in patients with OCD. A single dose of 20mg of MK-212 or placebo were given orally under single-blind, random-assignment conditions to ten subjects before and after 8 weeks fluoxetine treatm ent Results : Fluoxetine treatment group showed a significant potentiation in prolactin and body temperature response to MK-212 as com pared to an unmedicated state in patients with OCD. Conclusions : These results support the previous hypothesis that OCD may involve the subsensitivity of the 5-HT receptor itself and/or decreased functional activity of the postreceptor signal transduction
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