This study was designed to evaluate the effects of haloperidol, lithium and carbamazepine on the apom orphine-induced turning behavior in the substantia nigra-lesioned rats with 6-hydroxydopamine (6-O H D A ). All rats were administered Swig of 6-hydroxydopamine into the Rt substantia nigra and were divided into seven groups. Each group was composed of six rats and was administered apom orphine, haloperidol(0.03mg/kg, 0.3mg/kg), lithium(2mg/kg, 20mg/kg) and carbam azepine(2 mg/kg, 20mg/kg) respectively once a week for 7 weeks. The authors examined the effects of haloperidol, lithium and carbam azepine on the apom orphine- induced turning behavior. The results were as follows : 1) Haloperidol inhibited the turning behavior response induced by apom orphine significantly. 2) Lithium inhibited the turning behavior response induced by apom orphine significantly. 3) Carbam azepine did not influence the turning behavior response induced by apomorphine. From the above results, it is suggested that haloperidol and lithium inhibits the dopaminergic activity, but carbamazepine dose not influence on the dopaminergic activity.
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