To examine the effects of haloperidol, amitriptyline and lithium on HLA typing in vitro, the authors conducted cytotoxicity tests and microlymphocytotoxicity test on lymphocytes drawn from four norm al subjects, which was treated with each drug. In the second step, using relatively high soluble lithium at concentrations of 0.05mg/ml and 0.1 mg/ml, we carried out the HLA typing of the lymphocytes from fifteen norm al subjects. Microlymphocytotoxicity tests were conducted to determine the phenotype of HLA. The x2-test were utilized for analyzing the results. The results were as follows : 1) In cytotoxicity tests, haloperidol was found relatively stable, but amitritypline and lithium caused significant cytotoxicity. 2) In HLA typing with lymphocytes drawn from four norm al subjects, haloperidol and amitriptyline produced changes in HLA phenotpe in 75% of the subjects and lithium caused changes in HLA phenotype in 100% of the subjects when com pared with HLA phenotype before the treatm ent 3) With lymphocytes from fifteen norm al subjects treated with lithium for HLA typing, 80% of the subjects revealed changes in HLA phenotype expression in both concentrations. HLA-A gene locus alone showed significant increase(p<0.05) in expression among the patterns of H LA phenotype due to the increase of concentration.
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