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KCI등재 학술저널

韓國成人男子 알코올중독환자의 Aldehyde Dehydrogenase-I 遺傳子 變異에 따른 性格特性의 差異 比較

The Studies on the Differences in Personality Trait by Aldehyde Dehydrogenase-I Genotype Variances in Korean Male Alcoholics

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Objects : Since it has been supposed that unpleasant flushing reaction in Orientals after alcohol ingestion is probably arised from the deficiency of ALDH-I(aldehyde dehydrogenase- I ) ,the enzyme working on the 2nd step of alcohol metabolism, the deficiency of this enzyme are inclined to be aversive to alcohol beverage and have few chance of being alcoholics. But in the previous study done by the author and his colleagues, a few alcoholics in Korea are proven to have atypical ALDH-I genotypes ie., to be deficient of this enzyme. And in many of them, life event stressor played a role as precipitator of being alcoholics. Also they were more of late onset type and had more tissue damages induced by alcohol and physical dependence and deteriorating course than those who had normal ALDH-I genotype. In this study, by comparing personality trait among different ALDH-I genotype, the author wants to elucidate the necessity of the different approach especially in psychological aspect in the prevention and treatment of alcoholism in terms of ALDH-I genotype. Methods :We analysed the ALDH-I genotype with 102 admitted Korean adult male primary alcoholics by DSM m -R criteria and compared the personality trait between different ALDHI genotypes. For the evaluation of the personality trait, five established scales were used EPQ, Locus of Control, 16PF, TPQ and Spielberger’s Trait Anxiety Scale. Results : In ALDH-I genotvr>e assay among 102 alcoholic subjects, 85 one(83.3%) had the usual N N type, 17 one(l6.67%) had atypical N D type and no one(0.00%) had D D type, sowe compared the personality trait between N N and N D type. As a result, those who have ND type compared to NN type were proven to had more introverted, dependent and serious character trait Conclusion : Those who had atypical ND type ALDH-I gene had introverted, dependent, serious personal character and lack of self-confidence. So instead of confronting external stressor, they passively used alcohol as a more easily accessible defense arms. We could say that it’s similar to the Schuckit’s ‘milieu limited type’ and Cloninger’s ‘type 1’ ; in a sense that onset is late, it,s external stress related, has more passive and evasive character triat, high psychological dependence. In this context, dealing with those who have atypical ALDH-I genotype, we should consider this psychological aspect in the prevention and treatment of alcoholism.

序 論

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結 果

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要 約

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