This study was designed to investigate the effects of smoking on schizophrenics by comparing smoking and nonsmoking schizophrenics in terms of the doses of antipsychotics, psychotic symptoms and medication side effects, especially parkinsonism and dyskinetic movement, using BPRS (Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale) and ESRS (Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale). The results were as follows : 1) A statistically significant difference has been found in the doses of antipsychotics at the time of the research ; calculated in terms of chlorpromazine equivalent, the daily mean was 883.53± 498.66mg in the case of smokers, 637.88± 314.03mg in the case of non-smokers. 2) As for BPRS, no statistically significant difference has been found in total score between smokers and nonsmokers. Significant difference has not been found in subscales such as depressive mood, tension, anxiety and excitement 3) In the parkinsonism subscale of ESRS, the mean was 3.55士 2.74 in the case of smokers and 7.85±4.73 in the case of nonsmokers showing a statistically significant difference. 4) In the dyskinetic movement subscale of ESRS, the mean was 0.83 士 0.94 in the case of smokers, 1.41 士 1.63 in the case of non-smokers, showing no statistically significant difference. Summerizing the above results, the dose of antipsychotics was significantly higher in smokers and parkinsonism was significantly lower in smokers. However, the total score of BPRS and dyskinetic movement of ESRS have not shown significant differences between smokers and non smokers.
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