최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

정신과에 처음 내원한 환자의 6개월후 추적조사

A 6-Month Follow-up Study of Psychiatric Patients After First Visit

  • 14

This study was conducted to investigate the general characteristics of 6-month follow-up of 190 psychiatric patients after their first visit on the out-patient department and emergency room and of 37 patients referred from other specialists from March 1 to May 31, 1993. The results are summarized as follows : 1) No significant relationship was found between various socio-demographic characteristics of follows-up and drop-out patients. 2) Relatively, the patients visiting via out-patient department and emergency room were well followed up(25.8% ; 29.6%) and the patients referred from other specialists were less well(l0.8 %). 3) The psychotic patients were very well followed up(50.0% ; p<0.001) and the alcoholics were less well(5.9%). 4) Most patients who utilized drug store, herb medicine, religious care and shammanistic rites during the course of their help-seeking behavior were less well followed up(l4.7%). 5) Because of the concept to have no psychiatric problems(43.8 %), the alcoholics were less well followed up. 6) Almost half of out-paients were not treated after drop out and most patients who were referred from other specialists utilized herb medicine. 7) The patients who didn’t utilize any modem health services frequently used drug store, herb medicine, religious care and shammanistic rites after drop out From these findings, it may be suggested that the various factors have influenced followup visit and among which diagnosis is the most significant factor

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