Schizophrenic patients have been observed to manifest a variety of abnormal neurological signs, but the nature of their association with differing clinical presentations is less well established. To address this issue, we administered a newly compiled neurological inventory to 20 schizophrenic patients and 18 normal controls. And we separately assessed the patient group on the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale. Schizophrenics showed impairment relative to normal controls at prefrontal tasks : flst-slapcut( right/left), go/no-go, parietal tasks : graphesthesia, fine motor coordination tasks index finger tappingC right), heel tapping (right/left), dysdiachokinesia(left). The negative subgroup exhibited decreased performance at prefrontal tasks : fist-slap-cut in comparison to the positive subgroup. These results suggest that subtle structural abnormality of brain is associated with psychopathology of schizophrenia and prefrontal dysfunction may be related to negative symptoms.
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