Objectives : It has been suggested that spontaneous eye blink rates might be, in part, determined by central dopamine activity. The purpose of our study was to investigate wether schizophrenics had higher eye blinking rate than normal controls and to compare eye blink rates of a group of schizophrenics receiving clozapine with a group o f schizophrenics receiving haloperidol. Methods : We investigated the blink rate of normal controls(N= 30) and chronic schizophrenics ( N = 42), who were assigned to clozapine ( N = 22) or haloperidol ( N = 20) for eight weeks. In the chronic schizophrenics, blink rate and over all clinical states were assessed every two weeks until the end of the 8th week using the push-button counter and Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale(BPRS). Results : The chronic schizophrenics had a blink rate significantly higher than the normal controls and the blink rates were significantly decreased in the schizophrenics who were treated with clozpaine or haloperidol. But, there was no significant difference between the clozapine group and the haloperidol group and no significant correlation between blink rate change and change of BPRS scores. Conclusions : Our results suggest that the eye blinking is related to other neurotransmitters as well as dopamine in the central nervous system.
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