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KCI등재 학술저널

정신분열병 환자 가족의 병에 대한 지식과 견해 조사

A Survey on the Knowledge and Opinions about Schizophrenia with the Family Members of the Schizophrenic Patients

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A survey was made on the knowledge and opinions about Schizophrenia with 121 family members o f the schizophrenic patients using questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. The results were as follows : 1) About the nature o f the disease, 64% o f the subjects were of the opinion that the patient’s personality is split into two of more different personalities and 4 5 ^ responded that disease is more easily contracted by geniuses. 2) 50% o f them responded that the disease is very rare and 8 7 ^ ,that it occurs mainly in those with introvert personality. 3) 41 % of the subjects were o f the opinion that the schizophrenic patients are more violent than the healthy population and 46%, that the patients yield no higher rate o f criminal offense than the general public. 4) 8 0 ^ o f them answered that the cause o f the disease is psychological and responded that psychological treatment should be the more important mode o f treatment 5) About the prognosis, 51 % replied that the course is characterized by remission and recurrence i 75% gave the opinion that treatment would bring some improvement and 67 % replied that a meaningful social life would be possible after treatment But 66% were of the opinion that recurrence would be inevitable even after treatment With these results, the authors conclude that the family members’ knowledge and opinion schizophrenia is still in immature stages which require an active and systematic educational intervention.

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