최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

스트레스 지각•성격 특성•대처 방식 및 사회적 지지가 정신분열증환자의 우울 증상에 미치는 영향

Influences of Stress Perception, Personality Trait, Coping Style, and Social Support on Depressive Symptoms in Schizophrenics

  • 104

This study explored the influences o f important variables of psychological aspect such as stress perception, coping style, personality trait and social support on depressive symptoms in normal and schizophrenics. The Beck depression inventory(BDI), stress perception quesfionnaire, the way o f coping checklist and interpersonal support evaluation list(ISEL) were administered in 134 normal persons and 117 schizophrenics. The data were analyzed through zero-order correlation and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The results were as follows * 1) In normal group, the score o f B D I had significant high positive corrleations with stress perception(r= .52, p < .0 l) and passive-coping style(r= .33, p<C.0l) and significant(p<C05) negative correlations with active-coping style(r= &#8212; .16), personality trait(r= &#8212; .19) and social support (r = &#8212;.16). Multiple regression, which considered these variables simultaneously, showed that stress perception had the highest predictability on the score o f B D I(26.6%), followed by passivecoping style(3.4% ) and active-coping style(3.3%). The total predictability of these three variables on the score o f B D I was 33.3%. 2) In schizophrenic group, that score of B D I had significant positive correlations with passivecoping style(r=21, p<C.05) and significantp〈.05) negative correlation with social support (r = 一.21). Multiple regression showed that passive-coping style had the highest predictability on the score o f B D I(14.5%), followed by social support(6.7%) and stress perception(3.3%). The total predictability o f these three variables on the score o f B D I was 25.5%. 3) In both normal and schizophrenics, stress perception and coping style had more prominent influnces on depression than personality-trait There was a tendency of certain consistent relationship in normal group, among these variables, but inconsistent relationship in schizophrenic group.

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