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KCI등재 학술저널

외향적인 사람의 뇌파특성에 관한 예비연구

A Pilot Study on the EEG Characteristics of the Extroverted Persons

The purpose o f this study was to investigate the relationships between personality dimensions, such as extraversion/introversion dimension, neuroticism dimension, psychoticism dimension and lie dimension and E E G responses. 29 extroverted subjects and 31 introverted subjects were selected by the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. E E G activities were measured by a ‘ 10/20’ system. Among 4 personality dimensions, extraversion/introversion dimension had significant correlation with E E G activities. Two regions which had singiflcant correlation with the extraversion/introversion dimension were anterior temporal and occipital regions. In both regions, the arousal levels were significantly lower in extroverted subjects than introverted subjects. In conclusion, there were singiflcant partial relationship between extraversion/introversion personality dimension and the cortical arousal level.

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