The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between parental loss in childhood and the development o f m ajor depression. The author investigated the frequency of parental loss, reasons o f parental loss, sex of the lost parent, age at parental loss and several sociodemographic variables among 292 depressive^ 324 schizophrenics and 109 bipolar disorder patients. D ata were compiled from patients who were hospitalized at the Chung Ang University H ospital and Chung Ang University Yongsan Hospital from January, 1988 to December, 1992. Using SPSS/PC + program, collected data were statistically analysed by chi-square test and ANOVA. Summaries o f the results were as follows. 1) M ajor depression was overrepresented in females, and had a higher m ean age, while m en outnum bered women in schizophrenia and were younger in their m ean age. 2) M ajor depression was more frequently related with bereavement of their spouse, higher in their economic level, and lower in their educational level, while schizophrenics were higher in single m anital status and higher educational level. 3) M ajor depression occured at a later age of onset and revealed fewer recurrence com pared with bipolar disorder or schizophrenia. 4) M ajor depression had the least rate o f family history on mental disorders. 5) Parental loss was not significantly related with the development of major depression in this study. But the rate o f parental loss was highest in major depression o f 5.5% com pared with bipolar disorder of 2.8% or schizophrenia o f 1.6%.
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