We studied adjunctive effects of carbam azepine to haloperidol in 15-nonresponding chronic schizophrenic patients who were suitable for John Kane criteria of nonresponding Schizophrenics and also showed aggressive behaviors before the study. We performed the study with a placebo controlled double blind cross-over design. The results were as follows: 1) There was no statistically significant difference between the carbam azepine and placebo administered groups in the changes of total BPRS scores, although carbam azepine administered group showed more improvement in total BPRS scores and some BPRS subscales. 2) Hostility improved continuously in carbamazepine administered group, besides, psychological symptoms such as anxiety, suspiciousness, hallucinatory behavior, conceptual disorganization, unusual thought content, tension, and guilty feelings were also improved. 3) Serum prolactin concentrations were little changed in carbamazepine-placebo administered group, and in placebo-carbamazepine administered group, serum prolactin concentrations were considerably decreased at carbam azepine administration, so it is difficult to conclude a certain relationships between serum prolactin level and carbamazepine adm inistration at present The results suggest that adjunctive use of carbam azepine to neuroleptics maybe useful drug regimen for some case of nonresponding schizophrenics, especially carbam azepine showed some improvement in hostility score
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