최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

약물성 파킨슨 증후군,지연성운동장애 및 정좌불능의 공존

Coexistence of Drug-induced Parkinsonism, Tardive Dyskinesia and Akathisia

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The authors studied about the prevalence o f drug-induced parkinisonism ( D IP), tardive dyskinesia (TD ) and akathisia (AK) and also coexistence o f them in 442 psychiatric inpatients at Seoul National M ental Hospital. We examined also several variables including age, sex, dosage o f drug, duration of exposure to drug, duration of illness, whether they can be a risk factors to each of the side effect, DIP, TD and A K The results o f study were as follows : 1) The prevalence o f abnorm al movement disorder in 442 psychiatric inpatients was 43.7^ and the prevalence of TD, DIP, AK, TD with DIP, EIP with AK, T D with AK and TD with D IP and AK was 14.2%, 1.5%, 2.4%,3.9% and 0.6% respectively. 2) The prevalence of TD in the body was 40.4% in tongue, 182% in lower extremity, 15.7% in upper extremity, 9.6% in jaw, 1.6% in trunk, 4.5% in lip, 4.0% in face respectively. In DIP, the prevalence o f each subscale was 30.3% in akathisia, 19.5^ in salivation and 1.3% in walking difficulty. 3) The three variables, like age, duration of drug administration, duration of illness, can be risk factors to T D and TD with D IP group, but another four variables, sex, dose of antipsychotics, past ECT history and duration o f total admission, were n o t Conclusively, DIP, TD, and AK coexisted in high rates, so we should be cautious about the treatment of coexisting case. Tardive dyskinesia and drug-induced parkinsonism have been hypothesized to reflect opposing states of dopam ine function in striatum. In fact, long-term prospective study should be to evaluate the correlation o f dopam ine activity and each side effect like TD, D IP and A K

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