Object: This study was performed to assess depression/anxiety o f conduct disorder in children and adolescents and to use them as basic material for subdivding conduct disorder on phenom enological aspects. Methods :30 hospitalized conduct disorder children and adolescents were assessed using the Korean Form of the Kovacs’ Children’ s Depression Inventory(CD l), Korean Form of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children(STAIC). Their data were com pared to normal control o f 30 mentally healthy children and adolescents in relation with the demographic characteristic. Results : The m ean scores of C D I and STAIC-T (Trait) o f conduct disorder group were statistically higher than those o f the control g ro u p (p < 0 .0 l). The m ean scores o f STAIC-S(State) of female conduct disorder group were statistically higher than those o f the control group (p<O . Conclusion : These results suggest that depressive conduct disorder o f ICD-10 have a diagnostic validity and the authors suggest that conduct disorders can be subdivided into pure conduct disorder, deprssive conduct disorder and anxious conduct disorder by the comorbidity o f the depression/anxiety.
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