최근 검색어 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

청소년기 정신과 입원환자의 입원기간에 영향을 미치는 요인

Influencing Factors to the Lenght of Adolescent Psychiatric Hospitalization

This study reviewed 145 adolescent consecutive admissions to the psychiatric department at Ewha W om ans university Hospital for factors that determine length of hospitalization. Demographic variables and variables describing the socio-economic status, history of suicide attempts, suicide ideation at the time o f admission, referral sources, Axis IV score, Axis V score and num ber of hospitalization were not significantly associated with length of hospitalization. Bur variables describing the discharge diagnosis, history o f assault, assault threat at the time o f admission, past history o f psychiatric illness, medications received during the index hospitalization, level of functioning(strain ratio= Axis IV/V), and results of follow-up were significantly associated with length o f hospitalization. Patients with psychotic/organic disorders h ad the longest hospitalization and patients with internalizing disorders had the shortest hospitalization. Patients with more prescrived medications had the longest hospitalization and patients who did not receive medications had the shortest hospitalization
