최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

입원한 학업중단 청소년 정신질환자에 관한 정신의학적 연구

A Psychiatric Study on the School Dropout among Hospitalized Adolescents

  • 23

The purpose o f the present study was to examine the clinical characteristics o f school dropout am ong hospitalized adolescents and to work out a countermeasure by com paring dropout group with control group. The subjects consisted o f 570 adolescents including 61 cases o f dropout adolescents and 509 cases o f non-dropout adolescents, who were adm itted to D epartm ent of Neuropsychiatry, Chung-Ang University Medical Center from January, 1988 to December, 1992. Am ong 509 cases o f the non-dropout adolescents, 215 cases who attended to middle school, high school or college were selected as the control group, while 168 cases o f examiners and 126 cases o f graduaters were excluded. Collected data were processed through SPSS program. Statistical methods employed were X2 test and analysis o f variance. A nd summ ary o f the results were as follows : 1) The rate o f dropout cases among 570 cases of total hospitalized adolescents was 10.7 쩟 as 61 cases (m ales 11.1%, females 10.1%). In the analysis of the annual trends, recent rates o f the dropout were rapidly increased in 1992(15.4%) and 1991(10.5%) com paring with the past years(l988 13.2%,1989 82% , 1990 7.0%). 2) The dropout group was more frequently diagnosed as m ood disorders o r psychotic disorders, more physical illnesses such as injuries and addiction, the gastrointestinal disorders or the neurologic disorders, and more unhappy prem orbid adjustm ent 3) Hostility, anxiety or obsessive compulsive symptoms were more frequently observed in the dropout group, whereas somatization was less observed. 4) The dropout group showed higher schizophrenic profiles o r hypom anic profiles and lower hysterical profiles as com pared to the control group. 5) The dropout group tended to have longer duration o f hospitalization, more than 9 weeks, more frequently admitted to the closed ward, and more frequently discharged from the closed ward com paring with the control group.

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