최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

정신과 의사와 환자의 기독교 신앙이 정신과 치료에 미치는 영향

Influences of Christianity of Psychiatrists and Patients on Clinical Practice

  • 37

Objective : The authors surveyed psychiatristsCChristian and non-Christian) to assess the role of Christianity in their psychiatric practices. Method : Questionnaires were sent to 300 and usable responses were received from 117. The subjects were asked about; — demographic and practice variables — attitude to “Faith healing” — opinions about effectiveness of three treatmentsCpharmacotherapy, psychotherapy, Bible and prayer) in Acute schizophrenic episode, acute manic episode, suicidal attempt, grief reaction, sociopathy, alcoholism, and depressive neurosis. — relationship of treatment choice to patient’s Christian belief. Result: The Christian psychiatrists have more supra-natural view on “Faith healing” than the non-Christian psychiatrists. For acute schizophrenic and manic episode and depressive neurosis, the respondents considered psychotropic medication as the most effective treatment, but they rated the Bible and prayer more highly for suicidal intent, grief reaction, sociopathy, and alcoholism. Patient’ s Christianity made a significant difference in whether the psychiatrists whould recom m end Bible and prayer to the patients as a treatm ent Conclusion : This study suggested a need for more sensitivity to religious issues by psychiatrists. It remains im portant to evaluate ways in which a religious perspective can be related to clinical practice and what benifits and problems may derive from a such a relationship.

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