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KCI등재 학술저널

한국판 소아자기개념척도 개발

Development of Korean Form of Piers-Hanis Children’s Self-Concept Scale

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Objects : This study was carried out to develop Korean language version of Piers-Harris C hildren’ s Self Concept Scale(PHCSCS) designed to assess the self-concept in children and adolescence. Methods : We applied the translated PHCSCS to 1,056 Korean elementary school children whose grades ranged from 4 to 6 and conducted retest with 5 weeks interval. Together with PHCSES, Korean form of Kovacs’ Children’ s Depression Inventory(KCDl) and Parent Rating Form for Disruptive Behvavior Disorder of D SM -III-R(PRFD BD) which had proved their reliability and validity, were applied to the partial subject group for investigation of concurrent validity. A nd then we examined whether this scale discriminates between clinical and norm al population in the level of self-concept Results : Test-retest reliability, internal consistency were very satisfactory. Concurrent validity with other scales was enough, and clinical population was scored significantly lower than normal control group in the level of self-concept In the global self-concept, there was no difference by sex and grades. In factor analysis, item compositions of factors were somewhat different from those of original 6 cluster scales. From these results, we could not conclude that the structure of self-concept was multidimensional. Conclusions : In global self-concept, reliability and validity of PHCSCS were sufficient To get the more validity in cluster scales, further factor analyses are required. Additional studies like this, will establish basic normative data and make Korean Form of PHCSCS more use-ful.

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