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KCI등재 학술저널

남성 직장인에서 홉연과 우울,스트레스 및 다른 물질사용과의 관계에 대한 연구

A Study for Relationship between Smoking and Depression, Stress, and Other Substance Use in Male Management Officers

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Department of Neuropsychiatry, Seoul Paik Hospital, College of Medicine, Inje University, Seoul Objective: To investigate the relationship between smoking and depression, stress perception, an4 other substance use. Methods : With 753 male management officers who visited to Seoul Paik hospital for the general health check-up, we divided them into five groups(nonsmoker, nondependent ex-smoker, dependent ex-smoker, nondependent smoker, dependent smoker) according to the diagnostic criteria of DSM-III-R. With Beck Depression Inventory (BD I) and Global Assessment of Recent Stress(GARS) scale, depression and stress were evaluated. And Short Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test(SMAST) was applied for the assessment of degree of alcohol dependence. Results : 1) In smoker group, mean age, mean duration of education, and annual income were significantly lower than those of ex-smoker and nonsmoker group(p〈.0.05). 2) There was no noticeable difference in m ean total score of BDI am ong five groups. Mean total score of GARS was significantly different am ong five groups and this difference was mainly due to difference between dependent smoker, ex-smoker group and the other groups (each p<0.05). Percent of possible and definite alcohol dependence, and daily mean use of coffee were significantly high in smoking group than the other groups (each p<0.05). 3) To com pare between depression group (above 18 of total mean score of BDI) and nondepnession group(below 18 of total mean score of BDI), there was no significant difference in m ean total score of BDI, daily use of coffee, and num ber of alcohol use and dependence. But m ean total score o f GARS and mean score of all items of GARS were significantly high in smoking group (p<0.05). 4) Smoking h ad a significant effect on coffee use and alcohol drinking h ad a significant effect on depression(p<C0.05). While both smoking and alcohol drinking had a significant effect on stress perception, smoking had more effect Conclusion : These results may suggest that the degree of stress perception in male managem ent officers is closely related with smoking & alcohol use in order. In the relationship between smoking and stress perception, degree of nicotine dependence is more crucial than current smoking itself. In contrast with above result, depression is more closely related with alcohol use than smoking, and current smoking itself is more important than degree of nicotine dependence in relationship between depression and smoking. And significant relation among coffee use, alcohol use, and smoking can explain possible combined use of these substances in the same user.

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