최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

정신분열증의 양성,음성증상에 따른 추체외로증상의 비대칭성

Laterality of Extrapyramidal Symptom Related to Positive and Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia

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This study was designed to test a hypothesis that positive symptoms are related to the asymmetry in extrapyramidal symptoms caused by antipsychotic medication, while negative symptoms are not Thirty schizophrenic patients were examined for evaluation of positive, negative symptoms with PANSS and extrapyramidal symptoms in right and left extremities after one and three weeks of treatment with antipsychotic drugs. Results were as follows : 1) The extrapyramidal symptoms of right side of the body were a little severer than those of left side in both evaluation time, however the diffemece was not statistically significant 2) One week after neuroleptic medication, there were no correlations between positive or negative symptom scores and extrapyramidal symptom scores in each side of the body. However, three weeks after neuroleptic medication, positive symptom scores were significantly correlated with the scores of the right side extrapyramidal symptoms but not with those of the left side. The negative symptom scores were significantly correlated with the scores of both the right and the left sides. These findings suggest that negative symptoms of schizophrenia are related with the pathologic process of both brain hemispheres, while positive symptoms are related with asymmetrical pathologic process in hemispheres.

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