Objectives : This study investigated any relationship between minor physical anomalies and obstetric complication to evaluate the hypothesis that obstetric complications are possible antecedents of minor physical anomalies, and interactions between environmental factors and genetic factors for etiology of schizophrenia Methods : Twenty-nine patients satisfying the DSM-III-R criteria for schizophrenia were examined for minor physical anomalies by using the Waldrop Anomaly Scale and for history of obstetric complications by using the Scale of Lewis. The Waldrop scores were compared in the three groups such as definite, equivocal, according to the presence of history of obstetric complication. Results:We found significantly different Waldrop score between the groups by Kruskal-Wallis test(x2 corrected for ties=6.03,p<C0.05). There was no association between history of obstetric complication and family history, and any significant difference in the age of onset between various groups did not appear. Conclusions * Therefore we can consider the obstetric complication as possible antecedents of minor physical anomalies, but we cannot assure the hypothesis that the patients with history of obstetric complications have family history and early age of onset
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