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KCI등재 학술저널

알코올 중독환자 자녀들의 알코올 중독 위험성과 불안, 우울 및 부모ᅳ자녀 결합형태에 대한 연구

A Study on the Risk of Alcoholics, Anxiety, Depression, and Parental Bonding Style in the Offiprings of Alcoholics

  • 161

This study was performed to examine the risk of alcoholics, anxiety, depression, and parental bonding style in the offsprings of alcoholics by means of NAST(I),STAI, BDI, PBI. The authors assessed 54 offsprings of alcoholics and 56 offsprings of non-alcoholics at Seoul National Mental Hospital from March 1993 to October 1993. We compared with the level of risk of alcoholics, anxiety, depression, and parental bonding style between the offsprings of alcoholics and the comparisons, and evaluated correlation with parental bonding style and level of risk of alcoholics, anxiety, and depression. And the following result were obtained : 1) The offsprings of alcoholics were significantly more associated with risk of alcoholics than the comparisons. 2) The offsprings of alcoholics reported significantly higher level of anxiety and depression than the comparisons. 3) The offsprings of alcoholics reported significantly lower level of paternal overprotection and care than the comparisons in parental bonding style, and the degree of paternal overprotection and care was not significantly different with the level of anxiety and depression. We suggested that particular experiences of the offsprings of alcoholics within their families may increase or decrease the likelihood of such problems

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