“The St Mary’ s Hospital(SMH) 수면설문지”의 한국형 표준화 및 연령에 따른 수면 양상 비교
The Standardization of the Korean Version of the St. Mary s Hospital(SM H) Sleep Questionnaire and the Application to Studying the Age Differences of Sleep Patterns
This study was performed to standardize the Korean version of the SMH sleep questionnaire and to identify the age differences in sleep patterns. The author translated ‘The St Mary’s (SMH) sleep questionnaire’ (Ellis et al. 1981) into Korean and applied it to the Korean subjects. For standardization, 101 subjects were devided into two groups, 58 normal adults group and 43 psychiatric in-patients group. They completed the sleep questionnaire twice a day, immediately after waking up in the morning and then about 4 hours later. Test-retest correlation coefficients were calculated using SPSS/PC 1 . For identifying the age differences of sleep patterns, the sleep questionnaire was applied to the 3 age groups, puberty group aged 13 —14,young adult group aged 20—25,and middle age group aged 38— 42, ANOVA was performed using SPSS/PC+. The results were as follows: 1) This sleep questionnaire is found to be a reliable tool to find out general sleep patterns not only in normal persons but also in psychiatric patients in Korea. 2) Characteristics of sleep patterns among 3 age groups are: (1) Puberty group were still sleepy when woke up, and had little problem in getting to sleep with short sleep latency. (2) Young adult group were late in settling down for the night, falling asleep, waking up and getting up with long midday nap time. 3) Middle age group woke up frequently during sleep, had short total sleep time, and were troubled by waking early and being unable to get off to sleep again.
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