It was reported that folate deficiency produced several mental symptoms and in fact, folate supplement brought clinical improvements in mood disorder, such as depression and in schizophrenia. By examining the change in folate level, clinical symptoms, medications and diagnoses in psychotic inpatients, this study was designed to find the factors affecting the change of serum folate level in psychotic inpatients and the significance of serum folate level after treatment The subjects were 38 psychotic inpatients admittd at Ewha Womans University Psychiatir ward Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale was used as a clinical index. Serum folate level was measrued at admission and discharge. The results were as follows : 1) The serum folate level decreased signicantly at discarge, compared to that at admission. 2) There was significant clinical improvements among different diagnoses in clinical assessment of Brief Psychiatric Rating(P<C0.05). 3) The serum folate change from admission to discharge showed no diffemece according to the diagnoses, medications, number of hospital days and foods, and the change in serum folate level was possibly supposed to be related to antispychotic medication
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