It was only a decade ago that obsessive-compulsive disorder was thought as a rare disorder with poor prognosis. Now it is reconized as a common psychiatric disorder. But current diagnostic classification systems are struggling with a possible over lap of obsessive compulsive disorder with several related disorders, including body dysmorphic disorder, depersonalization, anorexia nervosa, hypochondriasis, trichotillomania, Tourette’s syndrome, sexual compulsion, pathological gambling, and impulsive personality disorders. These obsessive compulsive related disorders may share various characteristics, including clinical symptoms, associated feature, presumed etiology, genetic familial transmission, and response to selective pharmacological or behavioral treatment However, overlap between obsessive compulsive disorder and these various disorders on these features is not uniform. Although this overlap does not established a definite relationship between disorders, it does provide confirmatory evidence to support a presumed relationship. Further research on the relationship of obsessive compulsive disorder to its related disorder is required. These relationship may be investigated using phenomenological studies, family data, neurochemical & neuroanatomical studies, and pharmacotherapeutic dissection. Exploration of the obsessive compulsive related disorder will be in turn coutribute to our understanding of obsessive compulsive disorder and will lead to new ways of characterizing this important and complex disorder
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