The purpose of present study was to investigate the differences of clinical characteristics and treatment outcome according to the duration of hospitalization in adolescent psychiatric inpatients. The subjects in this study were 570 adolescent psychiatric inpatients including 278 in a brief hospitalization group (30 days or less) and 292 in an extended hospitalization group (more than 30 days), who were admitted to the Department of Neuropsychiatry in Chung-Ang University Medical Center from January 1988 to December 1992. Data were processed by computer using SPSS/PC + program and were statistically analysed by chi-square test The results were as follows: 1) Mood disorder, neurotic disorder and adjustment disorder were more frequently observed in brief hospitalization group, whereas psychotic disorders were more frequently observed in extended hospitalization group(P<C001). 2) Histrionic, dependent and avoidant personality traits were more frequently observed in brief hospitalization group, whereas schizoid, antisocial, and schizotypal personality traits were more frequently observed in extended hospitalization group(P<C.0l). 3) Somatization, depression and anxiety symptoms were more frequently observed in brief hospitalization group, whereas hostility, paranoid thinking, psychoticism and sleep disturbance were more frequently observed in extended hospitalization group(P〈.05). 4) Brief hospitalization group showed better adjustment in their life than extended hospitalization groupCP^.OOl). 5) Brief hospitalization group was more frequently admitted voluntarily than extended hospitalization groupCP^.OOl). 6) Brief hospitalization group was more frequently discharged from open ward, in poorer improved state and against medical advice, whereas extended hospitalization group was more frequently discharged from closed ward, in better improved state and by doctor’s consent(P〈. 001). 7) Antidepressants were more frequently medicated in brief hospitalization group, wherease antipsychotic drugs and antimanic drugs were more frequently medicated in extended hospitalization group (P<C001). 8) Intensive psychotherapy, behavior therapy, group psychotherapy and family therapy were less frequently done in brief hospitalization group than extended hospitalization group(P<C.00l).
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