The cognitive deficits of schizophrenic patients have been known quite well in the field of psychiatiy. This study was based on the hypothesis that the schizophrenics would have difficulties in recognizing their dwelling space and surroundings. The purpose of this study is to test the hypothesis by ‘How they represent their cognitive deficit on their dwelling space’. The authors selected 73 schizophrenic patients diagnosed by the criteria of DSM-III-R, and as the control group 114 students of each middle school, high school, and college were ramdomly selected. As the measurement of cognitive deficit they were asked to draw their dwelling area with surrounding space and plane figure of their houses. We analyzed these results. The results showed schizophrenic patients have in general, limited and distorted cognitive characteristics on the surrounding space and particularly the distant surrounding space was more distorted than near surrounding space of houses. This is thought to be caused by cognitive damage by schizophrenia itself and isolation from outer world. Finally, schizophrenic patients have narrowing of thought and mind as cognitive disturbances.
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