최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

흡연이 항정신병약물의 용량과 추체외로증상에 미치는 영향

Effects of Cigarette Smoking on Neuroleptic Dose and Extrapyramidal Symptoms

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Objects: This study was designed to assess the frequency of ridge dissociation and the distribution of handedness in positive and negative schizophrenics, and for the purpose of evaluating the possibility of difference in cerebral function laterality and in developmental aberrations between these two groups. Methods: Subjects consisted of 130 schizophrenia inpatients, diagnosed by DSM-III-R criteria who were stratified into positive(N=56) and negative(N= 50) schizophrenic groups according to Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale score. Handedness of the subjects was defined with the use of Annetfs questionnaire and of the criteria proposed by Lishman and McMeekan. Ridge dissocation was identified by inspecting magnified fingerprints. Distribution of handedness and frequency of ridge dissociation were compared between the positive and negative schizophrenic groups with chi-square test Results : Ridge dissociation was more prevalent in negative schizophrenic group(24.0%) than in positive schizophrenic group(7.9%). Ratio of left-handed subjects was greater in negative schizophrenic group(12.0%) than in positive schizophrenic group(2.6%). Conclusion : The results of present study suggested that negative schizophrenic group and positive schizophrenic group were different to each other in the laterality of cerebral function as well as in the developmental abberations

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