This study was conducted to evaluate the correlation between the treatment outcome of the alcoholics and the behavioral trends of their wives, with the methods of interviews and questionnaires. The samples were wives of patients who received the psychiatric services for their alcoholic problems in the psychiatric department of Chunchon Sacred Heart Hospital from March 1990 to July 1992 and the outcome study of the patients was done during March and April of 1993. 42 wives divided into two groups, such as good(l6 cases) and bad(26) outcome group, according to the outcomes of their husbands. The control group were the wives of the patients who had suffered from chronic medical illness such as hypertension or diabetes mellitus etc around that period. The results show that the wives of bad outcome group preferred shared concem(80.8%), redefinition(76.9 %) and compliance(57.7 %) as their coping strategies, which means that they were week and dependent And it is strongly suggested that a new general outcome measures of alcoholism should be constructed for prognostic studies
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