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KCI등재 학술저널

본태성 고혈압환자의 정신의학적 연구 一 정신병리와 스트레스 지각을 중심으로 一

A Psychiatric Study on Essential Hypertension — Focused on Psychopathology and Stress —

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There is a wealth of evidence to support an association between psychological factors and raised blood pressure. And many researchers have said that stress would induce hypertension. We assessed the differences in psychopathology and stress perception between 109 diagnosed hypertensives with essential hypertension in the Department of Internal Medicine and 112 normal controls within a normal range of blood pressure, by using the Symptom Check List- 90-Revision(SCL-90-R), the Global Assessment of Recent Stress Sacle(GARS),the State-Trait Anxeity Inventory(STAl), and the Beck’s Depression Inventory (BDI). The results were as follows: 1) Hypertensives showed significantly high somatization, obssessive-compulsive, anxiety, phobic anxiety and psychoticism scores on the SCL-90-R, but there was no significant difference between the scores of stress perception of hypertensives and those of normal controls on the GARS, For anxiety and depression, hypertensives showed significantly high state anxiety, trait anxiety and depression scores on both the STAT and BDI. 2) Among hypertensives, those taking benzodiazepine showed significantly high psychopathology and stress. 3) In hypertensives, we couldn t find any significant correlation between the scores of the SCL-90-R, STAI, BDI, and GARS and their blood pressures. In normal controls, there were significant positive correlations between systolic blood pressure and the scores of stress perception in the sickness or injury and the overall global on the GARS. From the results, we concluded that hypertensives had a higher degree of psychopathology than normotensives and that there was no significant correlation between blood pressures and psychopathology and stress in hypertensives, but that there were significant positive correlations between systolic blood pressure and scores of stress perception in the sickness or injury and the overall global on the GARS in normal controls

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