The prevalence and contents of delusions and hallucinations were studied in 213 patients with unipolar and bipolar depression who were admitted to the Department of Neuropsychiatry, Kangnam St Mary’s Hospital, Catholic University Medical College, Seoul. The results were as follows : 1) Sixty one of the 213 depressive patients(28.64%) presented delusions or hallucinations. Although bipolar depressives(35.29%) were the highest in the prevalence of psychosis, they did not differ substantially from primary(29.79%) and secondary(18.42 % ) unipolar depressives. 2) It was found that 36(25.53 %) primary unipolar depressives and 6(15.79%) secondary unipolar depressvies and 8(23.53%) bipolar depresives had delusions. However, there were no significant differences in the prevalence of delusions among each group. The prevalence of mood-congruent delusions in primary unipolar depression (11.35 %) was not significantly different from that in bipolar depression(8.82 % ) and secondary unipolar depression(10.53 % ). The prevalence of mood-incongruent delusions in bipolar depression(8.82% ) was not significantly different from that in primary unipolar depression(5.67 % ) and secondary unipolar depression (5.26%). 3) Hallucinations were reported in 17.65% of bipolar depressives,10.53% of secondary unipolar depression, and 4.96% of primary unipolar depressives. There were no significant differences in prevalence of hallucination among each group. 4) Guilty, persecutoiy nihilistic, and somatic delusions were the more common. Forty(84%) of the 50 delusional depressives presented two or more delusions. 5) Auditory hallucinations(82.35 % ) were the most common followed by visual hallucinations (35.29%). Five depressives(29.41 %) had hallucinations in two spheres.
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