The present study investigated the correlation between mood state and serum lithium level in 19 inpatients with mania, using the Young’s Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) and the Global Assessment of Functioning(GAF) Scale. The dosage of lithium being administered to each subject was maintained constantly in 17cases of the whole subjects throughout the study, but dosage was changed once in each one of the 2 remaining cases. Thus 2leases were used as subject maintaining a given dose. The results were as follows : 1) Statistically significant correlations were found between serum lithium level and YMRS score (r= 一 .25, p〈.01), and GAF score (r= .25, p〈.005) respectively in all the ratings for all subjects. 2) Nineteen (90.5%) cases showed negative correlation between YMRS score and serum lithium level, and 17 (80.9%) cases showed positive correlation between GAF score and serum lithium level. In summary, there was a trait that serum lithium level was elevated as the mood calms down in mania. So this finding suggests that in treating the acute manic patients with lithium, the dosage of lithium should be decreased to achieve a given serum lithium level as the mood was stabilized
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