최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

남성 성전환증 1례의 정신역동적 접근

Psychodynamic Approach to a Male Transsexualism Case

  • 25

We experienced a typical case of homosexual type male transsexualism who developed from gender identity disorder in childhood. In psychodynamic aspect, we assumed that identification of pathogenic maternal fantasy in early life before 3 years old was major role in this case. Also in defense mechanism, it was suggested that there was a certain psychology, I would be more loved if I were a woman,” in his mind. In addition to these aspects, naturally given temperament and family’s tolerant attitude to his transsexual behavior might reinforce transsexual symptom formation. In this case, boderline and narcissistic characteristics were not vividily detected in interview and psychometric tests.

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